Monday, April 12, 2010

The Perfect Cure For Boredom

I have found the perfect cure for boredom. Don’t worry this is not a commercial for, or even YouTube. Instead it is more of an infomercial or DYI for cheap family entertainment. All you need to turn a “blah day” into a wholesome “hurrah day” are four things:

1. Your Family

2. Your Digital Camera

3. A Computer and

4. A little imagination

Yep, that’s all you need. Let me explain.

Most kids love playing with cameras and many adults as well. This especially holds true in my family. I have been taking pictures for nearly twenty years and my children started as young as three years old. My wife is a shutter bug and so are many of my friends. So I decided one day to come up with a game that everyone family and friends would enjoy playing. Here is how it works.

First, gather the family into one room to go over the following rules.

Rule 1- Everyone gets a turn using the camera. Each person uses their turn to take a pre-determined amount of pictures. The pictures can be of anything or anyone but has to be done without the other players knowing what you are photographing. You can choose to have a themed game, such as bugs, household items or just have a free for all.

Rule 2- The pictures have to be taken in such a way that they will be difficult to recognize once they are displayed on the computer. You can easily accomplish this by zooming in as close as possible to the subject that only a very tiny part of it is reveled. You can also turn the cameras auto focus feature off and make the subject too blurry to achieve the same thing.

Rule 3- Link the camera up to your computer to display the pictures. If you are using a camera phone or just do not have the ability to download to your computer, pass the phone or camera around to the other players. Each player has a set amount of time to give their best guess of what the pictures are of. Points are given for each correct answer.

One of the great things about this game is that it can be changed up every time you play it. Also, you are doing something as a family. This may seem like a corny way to spend your time, but your younger kids will love it. Any positive family time that you have is never corny, it is healthy.

Spend time with your children, they will take the boredom out of you day. And your whole family will grow closer together! Remember that after God breathed life into Adam and Eve he gave them two special gifts. The first was “Free Will” and the second was their children.

Genesis 1:27-28(NASB)
27God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
28God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

God Bless-

Robert G.Heard

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